Introduction to Adoption Trauma (virtual 1.5 CEU)

On-demand virtual course

Course Curriculum

    • Overview of Trauma & Loss
    • Unique needs and challenges in immigrant population
    • Best practices

Heena Khan, LPC-S, RPT-S™, CYT

What Therapists are saying about this course...

"Heena Khan, provided an excellent presentation on adoption and trauma. She was extremely knowledgeable and engaging with the attendees. She was so impressive that I am wanting to assess if she can come out and do a training specifically with my therapists"
Libby R. Dorn, LCSW-S
"This training taught me important things that were not included in my master's classes."
Macy Faust, Practicum Student

Course Pricing

Introduction to Adoption Trauma 1.5 CEU, VIRTUAL

$27 USD

  • 1.5 CEU, VIRTUAL

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